Krembit[Approved] Admin Application
Your in-game name (and other pseudos): 1stOJD_Kpt_Krembit , some other all with Krembit
GUID: 663095
Steam URL:
Country and region: UK
Spoken language(s): English
Current age: 18
Admin experience: Minisiege , linebattles , groupfights
Voucher to confirm your admin experience (include Steam URL of the voucher): Current admins

i left the admin team around 2 months ago , now im really playing on the server a lot again would like 
to rejoin the team if you will have me. miss being able to help people getting trolled D:
+0.5 Not a bad admin, will be a slight asset to our team. Bonus: No Trial time needed
could we get that bumped up to a +0.75 if i said you were cute?
Krembit for future admin Smile
+1 was a good admin before no reason he wouldnt be again.
you know it qwean Shy

thank you ben HeartHeartAngel
Your application is noted Krembit and under review.
+0,5 An axtive admin yet a bit too cringe
You don’t know what bread is until you eat french bread.
nice one , cheers

its a way of life Aurde  Cool
+0,66 good admin Smile

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