Tiramisu UwU[Rejected] Unban

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Your in-game name (your name at the time of the ban/mute): Tony_Sex_Legionary
Your GUID (optional):
Date and hour of your ban/mute (UTC/GMT) - (DD/MM/YY): Long time ago
Reason for your ban: Racial slurs
Write your apology: From what i can remember i've been banned after i had a discussion with someone that involved race in it's topic and i used an offensive remarks against black people cause of emotional backlash i guess. This was my second perm ban, i did give you guys a promise that i won't get in trouble and be more attentive towards the things i say, which turned out to be false... Throught this long period, i did learn and grew up out of this behavior, i became more self conscious about that, i did meet people that made me reconsider my past views and to become more tolerant towards different kinds of people, i don't think i am the same person that was in the past nor i hold any similiar ideas. Tbh this server is quite nostalgic to me, and i did have fun time back then, and i'd like to make a request for an unban, and to sincerely apologies for the things i said and for my foolish behavior and promise that this won't happen again. I'm sorry
Hello Tiramisu,
You've been permanently banned on Minisiege twice, and also muted once. There has been slays and temp bans, however these are shadowed by your mute and permanents.
You will remain banned from Minisiege indefinitely.

- Loifas

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