BritishPanda[Approved] Panda minisiege Admin Application
Your in-game name (and other pseudos): DaddyPanda, 65y_Ptv_DaddyPanda, 102nd_DaddyPanda
Steam URL:
Country and region: United Kingdom (London)
Spoken language(s): English, Spanish, Portuguese
Current age: 21
Admin experience: I was a admin for a short period for EU commander but that was almost 2 years ago and I don`t know who runs it currently. but I do know all the admin powers etc. I did own a server that i payed for from Oasis-hosting but then again it was almost 2 years ago. ( I just came back to the game and started playing regularly)
Voucher to confirm your admin experience (include Steam URL of the voucher): No voucher
Your application is noted and under review.
Im also known as DaddyPanda whenever im not in events. DaddyPanda is my main name. Sorry I forgot to write that.    

Nvm (I already wrote it xD)
Hi Panda, we will observe your activity and behaviour for the next 2 weeks.
understood. Smile
Panda has started their trial period. Good luck!
Panda has completed their trial period and is now a full admin!

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