PulkownikAndrzejKmicic[Approved] Ban Request - Alovex
Offenders in-game name: Alovex
Your GUID / Name in-game (optional): 2253903
Date and hour of your ban/mute (UTC/GMT) - (DD/MM/YY): I have attached all the times in Evidence
Their Crime: constant harassment
Evidence: This is what I have gathered:

7:55-8:15pm - toxic behaviour in the chat, saying that my mum will suck cocks in German porn etc.
7:21pm - toxic in the chat
7:43pm - again
8:20pm - toxic in the chat, insulting
8:45pm, 8:47pm, 8:51pm - again
10:58pm - trash talking
7:08pm - trying to start something, called me a cry baby, clearly looking to pick a fight
7:11pm - saying "your mom" to me, obv trying to provoke again
6:12pm - calling me "fucking pleb"
6:27pm - picking a fight again, calling me "cowardly pussy"
6:36pm - telling admins to ban me for polling maps he doesn't like
6:39pm - 6:41pm - as above + telling me he hopes my mother dies etc.
(Btw, the maps that I had polled got rejected. The ones in the poll had not been polled by me. He knew that, he was just trying to be toxic.)
8:32pm - again, talking shit about hoping I lose my mother or something
6:45pm - again, "ban him for polling maps"
6:59pm - trolling me again, just because I confirmed that a molly teamkill was a troll
7:51pm - yet another unprovoked attack "kmicic pussy" out of nowhere, said several times
7:10pm - telling me my mother is a porn actress
7:25pm - again

As this conduct can be considered harassment due to its repetitiveness, I suppose it warrants a ban or other similar punishment.
Bear in mind that on at least one occasion Alovex got slayed by an admin for spamming the chat. If my memory is correct it was on 12/12/2021 at around 6 to 7pm GMT. There may have been more than just that, though.
Also keep in mind that he had been harassing me before 19/11, it is just that I wasn't documenting these incidents. I have only began to do that once his conduct started to annoy me.

Please, put him out of my misery. Enough is enough.
Hello PulkownikAndrzejKmicic,

thank you for your report. I am sorry, that we took so long to answer it. I looked into the logs and found clear instances of him violating the rules. He is now muted and can't harass you or others anymore.

See you at the Server

Thank you. It is good to know that I won't be harassed by him in future.

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