Profile Preview for LORDIEX Registered
Registration Date: 07-01-2020
Date of Birth: Hidden (27 years old)
Local Time: 03-09-2025 at 03:41 PM
Status: Offline

LORDIEX's Forum Info
Joined: 07-01-2020
Last Visit: 11-15-2022, 04:13 PM
Total Posts: 8 (0 posts per day | 0.19 percent of total posts)
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Total Threads: 4 (0 threads per day | 0.28 percent of total threads)
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Time Spent Online: 19 Hours, 26 Minutes, 50 Seconds
Members Referred: 0
Reputation: 0 [Details]

Additional Info About LORDIEX
Location: Germany, Berlin
Bio: My life is too boring to talk about, I live in Germany since I was 11, I am from Poland. I speak Polish, Slovak, Czech, German, English, Dutch, Russian/Ukrainian (though cant read russian language) and abit Turkish. I played ALOT of games, since PS2 was out I am pretty much addicted. After PS2 I was playing alot PC untill Xbox360 came out, after xbox360 I went playing PS4 and after PS4 I went back to PC. I played alot games through on consoles and on PC, though most hours I spent on Multiplayer Games. I was pretty much addicted to CallOfDuty2 atleast 1,5k hours on ONE server. Then alot of Mount And Blade Warband (ye this is not my only account) atleast 3,0k hours. World of Tanks on PS4 atleast 1k hours, and BF4 on Xbox360 where I was very connected with my own Clan and had also around 1k hours with many tournaments won. Then CSGO with all accounts connected around 3,5k hours and RocketLeague 1k hours on PS4 (though I play it alot on PC too since few weeks). I also play alot of TotalWar games, I have pretty much all games from TotalWar Series. 1year ago I bought myself my first proper gaming PC and almost cuz of my addiction I lost my GF ( I wish nobody that) but everything went fine. So here I am... still playing games, still kicking ass online and having alot of fun while doing that, you wont get rid of me too fast. Cya on battlefield if it is on Minisiege or on totally different kind of game my nickname stays the same... This is the story of my life.

Steam Details
Steam Status Click here to open this profile in Steam.
SteamID 32 STEAM_0:0:65698341
SteamID 64

LORDIEX's awards.
This user has no awards at this time.

Profile Visitors (Last 10 visitors)All visits: 18
Exedron, Krembit, GM1138, Leo, Napoleon, Daisy, Just Ryder, Rapez, Montgomery, Gondolin