Thread Closed 
slime !+   ok ! * +[Rejected] [24.04] Unban
Hey Limonov,

Although we talked on discord, I am going to lay everything out here.
As it stands, your current record is 4 slays and 1 temp ban.
However since this is your first permanent ban, I believe you are due a second chance on Minisiege.

On the 24/04/2020 (2 weeks from today) please bump this post to be unbanned from Minisiege.

In the meantime, please take this time to refresh on the server's rules:

If you believe this decision was unfair, please reply below and our Senior team will look into it.
(Bump means to reply)
- Loifas

Messages In This Thread
[24.04] Unban - by slime !+ ok ! * + - 04-10-2020, 06:12 PM
RE: Unban - by Loifas - 04-10-2020, 08:07 PM
RE: [24.04] Unban - by Bethrezen - 05-18-2020, 09:07 PM

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