Marth The Gryphonhearted[Approved] Ban Request
Offenders in-game name: Sarissa_Bottle_Beater

Your GUID / Name in-game (optional): 2281458

Date and hour of the incident (UTC/GMT) - (DD/MM/YY): 30.12.2023., 18:20 UTC+1

Their Crime: In general: teamkilling. Threw a molotov at me while I was playing defender artillery (nobody else was around me) and then proceeded to shoot me as I tried to stay alive. Anakin was on the server and gave him a temporary ban but as Sarissa has been forgiven for such things MULTIPLE TIMES, I am demanding a permanent ban. 

Evidence: I have the following screenshot of the incident, also the logs should support me.
[Image: d438bda2ff979da5dec0bcefe56228418dd29864.gif]

Sarissa made a new account after they got banned on the previous accounts. We didn't notice this yet and this account is banned now.

To all other watchers of this thread. Please don't break any rules. If you dislike other players, just ignore them.

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