Cherry_Switchblade[Pending] hateful names. insulted me when I suggest they change them
Offenders in-game name: ihatefaggots and ihatejews
Your GUID / Name in-game (optional):1622513
Date and hour of your ban/mute (UTC/GMT) - (DD/MM/YY):23:15 08/14/24
Their Crime:hateful names. I politely suggested in chat they change their names and one of them replied stfu faggot
Hello Cherry,

This case is under review. I'll get back to you shortly!

Cheers and thank you!
Hello Cherry_Switchblade,

since that incident you mentioned here - the players have been on server only one more time. I don´t want to insta permban. So I will message admin team about having an eye and warn/kick players in question.
After that we will see if they change.
Whenever you see them on server pls ping team in discord.


Thanks for your attention to the matter. I honestly don't like people getting banned so hopefully they can just stop acting like edgy children with ugly behaviors.

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