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PulkownikAndrzejKmicic[Closed] Ban/Mute Request - kk_HLI_Marth
Offenders in-game name:  kk_HLI_Marth
Your GUID / Name in-game (optional):  2253903
Date and hour of your ban/mute (UTC/GMT) - (DD/MM/YY): Pretty much ever since he got unmuted in April
Their Crime: toxicity, trolling, slurs, death threats, racism, harassment
Evidence: This player was previously muted for the same things he has been doing ever since he got unmuted back in April. So things like "hope you die irl", "I would pay someone to kill u", or just overall being rude telling people to "fuck off" or "I hate you". 

Evidence can certainly be found looking through the days and weeks immediately following his unmute. 

I can also point you to 24th July - 4th August during which he was exceedingly toxic, at one point making fun of the concentration camp in Auschwitz.

Ever since making his exaggerated ban request against me a month ago he tried to tone down his behaviour so I am not sure if he did anything banworthy in that time. But from April to 24th July he was exactly the same Marth as before his unmute.

I know he has made some maps for the servers recently*, but does that mean he should be allowed to be exceptionally rude to anyone he wants to bully and ruin the atmosphere on the server for everyone else? It's not like the server suffers from a shortage of maps - it has over 100 I reckon - so I don't believe he should get any leniency purely for that fact. It's not like he pays for this server or does something essential to its function.

In my opinion he has proven himself unable to control his anger that you can literally feel in the air anytime he's online. I find him to be an exceptionally rude, vindictive, and malicious individual. Apart from a few of his close friends which aren't even active on Minisiege, nobody really likes him and for good reason. His personality is anything but likeable.

For the last month since he made his request against me he has kept his usual behaviours to the minimum and instead opted to be more subtle, provoking and annoying me as much as he is allowed to within the rules of the server instead. I personally consider his constant remarks "you'll be banned" or "if I were admin I would have perm banned you long ago" to be harassment. He's only doing it to upset me and for his own sadistic pleasure.

Now I understand that this is a lot of time to sift through the logs looking for evidence. If you're in need of any assistance - and if you're willing to arrange for it - I can volunteer to go over the logs myself and mark the relevant parts for your convenience. Then you can read the relevant bits and decide if his behaviour is mutable or not.

Best Regards,


* - most of his maps are imported anyway, it's not like he put in that much effort into bringing them over to Minisiege

PS: Please take a look at this, taken from Minisiege Discord, originally posted by Sam on 23rd July, make of that what you will 
[Image: imagedd.png?ex=66c87f30&is=66c72db0&hm=d...&height=43]
[Image: imagedddff.png?ex=66c87e88&is=66c72d08&h...height=564]
Gonna say just a few simple things.
1: You start most the fights most people would agree besides your troll buddies ofc
2: you and your troll buddies are part of the reason yesterday I actually quit the game and left the discord besides bubble pissing me off xD
3:You and the trolls are why the game is dying if marthy gets banned then as should you and Sam with the proof given on the threads about you both.
4: You just like starting drama as I tell everyone your a smart asshole so know how to piss people off and you enjoy it at that
I just find it hilarious that this guy starts a ban request while there's a ban request pending on him, and he's been warned in-game by the admins to stop harassing other players. Simply, utterly laughable.
[Image: d438bda2ff979da5dec0bcefe56228418dd29864.gif]
Quote: Gonna say just a few simple things.
1: You start most the fights most people would agree besides your troll buddies ofc
2: you and your troll buddies are part of the reason yesterday I actually quit the game and left the discord besides bubble pissing me off xD
3:You and the trolls are why the game is dying if marthy gets banned then as should you and Sam with the proof given on the threads about you both.
4: You just like starting drama as I tell everyone your a smart asshole so know how to piss people off and you enjoy it at that
There have never been any complaints against me since I joined in 2021. Funny how the only complaint has come from a previously muted player and his regiment friends.
Also I don't know what you mean by my "troll friends"? Because unlike Marth, I don't manipulate and coordinate people to troll anybody. I don't even know who my "buddies" even are according to you. From what I've seen on the server incognito, you left because you kept getting killed by rambos on Wednesday and wanted to play a different game. Don't mix me up in that.

Quote: I just find it hilarious that this guy starts a ban request while there's a ban request pending on him
So...? How does that invalidate anything I have said?

Rather than attacking the allegations you choose to attack me. Why?
Rather than reacting to the allegations made against you, you choose to create a new thread against me, thus attacking me. Why you'd do such an idiotic thing is beyond me.

I've learned my lesson since I'd been muted, but it seems like you haven't learned AT ALL ever since you were unbanned. Heck, I don't even know why the admins decided to unban you. None of your allegations against me have any merit, and I am sure that the Minisiege community will confirm this as well. Unlike you, I've actually done a fair share of work to keep this server alive and well, I've made maps and made friends too, while all you're contributing to is more drama, distrust and extremism. Your kind isn't welcome around here, and I am pretty sure the admins will see to that soon enough. I'm confident, and I'm not going to waste my time debating on whether I should defend myself, because in my mind I am perfectly in the clear.
[Image: d438bda2ff979da5dec0bcefe56228418dd29864.gif]
Look, Marthy and I have had our rough patches in the past—he definitely used to have trouble with keeping his angry thoughts to himself (though we all have them occasionally lol). But since getting unmuted, he's has actually turned things around. I’ve seen a very noticeable change in how he behaves, and he’s been pretty chill lately.

Apart from taking a a few weeks off here and there, I've been playing this game most evenings since his unmute and it would appear to this impartial observer that the claims being made here seem more like a personal vendetta being waged than anything real. Based on how Marthy’s been acting since April, he certainly doesn't deserve another mute or ban.

And surely Minisiege isn't outsourcing it's chat logs to 3rd parties to review for them now, lol? That would just be ridiculous. These matters should be handled by the admin team or no-one. As the accusation here is incredibly vague ("Look through all the logs since April"-tier vagueness) and I very much doubt any of you gentlemen want to go through months and months and months of inane, pointless banter for what I can assure you would be an utter waste of time, this whole complaint really should be taken with a pinch of salt.
Somewhat Bald Rifle Sergeant
Marth has trouble with anger? No shit, there's always some controversy with Marth lately.
Thank you for reporting this.
We try our best to keep our servers a friendly environment for for everyone. Ban/mute request now in consideration.
You might want to start somewhere else if you want a friendly environment...
[Image: d438bda2ff979da5dec0bcefe56228418dd29864.gif]
Thank you Marth for your input. Different feedbacks are important and end up giving the best results that our teams strives for. We will be back as soon as possible.

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