Btw I have no idea what he's talking about me going after him. No idea. It's like I'm talking with a mentally ill chimpanzee. I never did go after him but oh well.
I wrote you a message a couple days back and I take it all back. Reading your post made me realize that you are a lost person. Really, really lost. I don't see how someone so stupid could possibly turn his life around. Nope. You will always be a depressed loser and you'd better make your peace with the world because it will never get better for you. You're a lost cause.
For example, look at this:
Quote:But you behaved like an idiot. We can't really do something with someone like that.
You think because you're admin in a dying game, it qualifies you to call other people idiots? Really?

Who's the real idiot here if not you? Then you ban me for the simple reason "I don't like you", and then you have the nerve to say that I went after you.
I love guys like you. I really do. You are nothing outside of this dying game, but at least you've amused me. Just like Marth. You are carbon copies of each other.
Because you and him think he is high and mighty because he imported some maps into the server, and you're admin, but in real life he slaves away for a shit pay doing a job he hates, and you are probably in the same situation. And yeah, judging by your posts I can see why you never amounted to much and never will.
I come from a rich family, and have an online business which makes me a lot of money, but then again I'm not as stupid as either of you so that explains that. I bet you will still find a copium excuse why I am the one in the wrong and not you

But let's be real: you are the losers in life and I'm doing really well. And you can't let me point that out, can't you? You can't stand people who are better than you. It's your loss m8. It really is. You won't learn anything worthwhile from the losers you spend your time with right now.
Still, I hope you enjoy your little game. It's the sole reason you wake up in the morning, isn't it?
Here's what I don't understand though: if I was a depressed loser myself, like you Sam, I would go all the way and just permanently ban everyone in sight, or something like that. I would really make it count, you know? It's a dying game, no one cares. I wouldn't limit myself to only banning 1 or 2 people for no reason.
Anyway, not going to argue with an idiot. It's like playing chess with a pigeon: I can win, but all you're gonna do it shit all over the board and then proudly announce that you're the winner. Just like you did when you banned me for no reason. Exactly the same as you did in this topic when you provided no explanation or evidence.
PS: If I could only learn more about you, Sam. More about your life and what you're going through. It's fascinating to me. Like watching a group of ants running around and working. Or a group of lion cubs playing around, or trying to play with the dad lion who doesn't want to play and angrily tells them to let him sleep. Or a bunch of monkeys munching on leaves and screaming at each other.

In the same way I like observing losers like you and trying to understand how one is made. Call it a little hobby of mine