carlosdelsol[Pending] Ban Appeal: iron_guard
Offenders in-game name: iron_guard
Your GUID / Name in-game (optional): Bodyguard
Date and hour of your ban/mute (UTC/GMT) - (DD/MM/YY): GMT+2 19:00-19:20
Their Crime: Ramboing
Evidence: he ramboed to the extreme, his victim was Antoin_Vermandois.

After he singlehandedly killed all of Antoin's lancer regiment he insulted us and left the server.
Hello carlos,

After investigating the logs together with a colleague, we want to place this post under review since there is no valid evidence been given on your end.
However, this post will remain open and players can always add evidence if they aquire it.
The player in question will be observed.

EUC Admin Team

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