Daisy[Approved] Minisiege Admin Applications
Your in-game name (and other pseudos): 16th_Gren_iambadgirl
GUID: 1997638
Steam URL: https://steamcommunity.com/id/tolueng/
Country and region: Turkey
Spoken language(s): Turkish and English
Current age: 22 
Admin experience: Several discord server but not Napoleonic Wars
Voucher to confirm your admin experience (include Steam URL of the voucher): For discord server - https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198836813464
Why do you want to become admin?: Because when i'm online there are no admins in Minisiege Server. Some troling, wasting build point and teamhitting that's way i want to prevent they are troling or wasting build point or teamhitting. Also i want to help other admins.
Very friendly player also active in regimentel events, and minisiege. With training ı admit she will be very good admin for our servers.
Your application is noted and is under review. We'll get back to you once a decision has been made.
We will observe your activity and behaviour for the next 2 weeks. We will contact you in due time about your application.
I will vouch for badgirl too! Really friendly to talk to and has potential I think! Big Grin
Daisy has completed her trial period and is now a full Minsiege admin! Congrats!

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