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MONGOLIA-FRANCE-59[Rejected] Unban
Your in-game name :  Mongolian_In_France 
Your GUID : 1958603
Date and hour of your ban - IDK
Reason for your ban: I asked to "Merkel" if he was agree to share his arty, despite refusing with just a "no" he was very insulting and rude " fuck off ! " I didn't like much how he answered me. And very stupidly I kicked him because I was angry at this moment. Then Cookie slayed me, and I was feeling stupid because I came back from very long temporary ban, but Cookie let me play for hours again after this slay. But the next Day I was definitly ban.
Write your apology: I'm very sorry to not control my emotions like an idiot. If you unban me for a last chance, You will never see bad things from me. If you are agree I can make french poem just for my bad reaction (I will accept if you will reject, because I reacted badly). 

Comme les étoiles, je vis dans le noir,
Pleins de regrets tel un damné devant Dieu,
Mais que puis-je ? Je ne suis qu'un type Hargneux,
Ne pouvant maîtriser mes émotions tel Anwar (arab name) 

Tentant de m'excuser timidement, ô Admin,
Je te supplie comme je le fait devant la divine, 
Comme pour notre seigneur Jesus Christ, fils du créateur,
Je te demande de me ressusciter sur votre Server. 

Le temps passe trop lentement, tel le purgatoire, 
Pardon ! Pardon ! cris-je la bouche sèche sans boire 
regrettant énormément mes précédentes déboires, 

Cette quarantaine est ma punition, je ne peux que le voir,
Mais j'ai à l'esprit l'espoir de la libération, 
Jurant à moi-même, de ne plus connaître une telle attrition. 

MONGOLIAN-FRANCE-59  I Sorry my english sucks to much to write poem in english (It's a miracle I can write french poem because i'm Mongolian).
Hello Mongolian,

You've been permanently banned on this server twice already. The two bans were even close together. Obviously you cannot follow simple rules and have no intention to do so either. Therefore, you will stay permanently banned on Minisiege.

- Loifas
Can I ask Unban in 3 month like Lloyd please ?

I read the rules.
Can I ask Unban in 3 month like Lloyd please ?
I read the rules.
You've been given enough chances and we've already told you our decision.

Thread closed.
[Image: MZDXOYq.png]

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