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Hobo[Approved] Unban REquest
Whoops. Deleted my first one. 

Your in-game name (your name at the time of the ban/mute): 
Your GUID (optional):
Date and hour of your ban/mute (UTC/GMT) - (DD/MM/YY):
Uh. 2 days ago?
Reason for your ban:

Write your apology:

Things Hobo is sorry for;
-Unsportsmanlike slaying of TT's horse
-Swearing to much
-No good spiritual successor to AlphaCenturi

In my defence TT was trolling me hard. I messed up his unit previously but had a bot stuck behind a rock, rest of my guys died and I took out his guys in a killing spree on the same charge. TT, now extremely butthurt, preceded to shout about ramboing constantly...he was having a go at another player too (who wasn't) and I was joking about TT being a stickler. 
After a bunch of goading, he rides out as 2 cav to me on edge of map away from everyone...talks more shit, refuses duel, has set upa  blatant attempt to trap I kneecapped his horse and ran off. 
My bad. He was being a pain in the ass though, seems he's been goading and grassing other players too.
I probably talked a lot of shit back to him, in his defence though. 
Also - the horse was innocent.  

TLBig GrinR He was going on and on at me about ramboing when I didn't initially 'cause I took his squad out....cried wolf again at another player.....I then fell for the goading/trap and rambo'd his horse like he wanted so he could send you pics (blatant set up =P It did feel good doing it though) yeah, fair enough, my bad, Sin Bin...

Oh goddammit, wrong place.
I'm deleting your other post since it came out weird and moving this one to the EUC forum for you.

This unban request was posted in Minisiege but is intended for EUC.
TT, Thungi, this one's for you...

Hello Hobo,

this case is under review.
#5 <3
? Can I either get the ban taken off or told time of ban for kneecapping his horse/ramboing?

TT blatantly has been goading players left right and centre, he tried to get another player before getting me, I'll take a slap on the wrist for choosing to break the rules by falling for the trap, but it would be good to know till when.
None of my business to comment here but oh well, They can't tell you when or if you're ban is being undone until they've reviewed it. I don't know what the typical turnaround is for these but they'll definitely contact you back on here Hobo whatever the outcome is.

Thanks for writing a unban thread and the patience. We took our time to investigate the case so we have a more in depth sight of the situation.

We have checked the individuals report and digged into the logs where we clearly see what really happened. Not only from that day but even in the past we reviewed your history and present on the server as you are a regular and should know the rules to front and backwards.
The evidence is clear and without a doubt we made a decision to permanent ban you for 3 months that starts from now on and will be able to bump this thread on Wednesday the 19th of May.

Still having questions about the ban? Then you can always DM me or Thundgil on Discord so we can discuss this it in a private manner.

I also advice you too read our rules especially rule section 2 and 5 stated here:

EUC Admin Team

Thank you Mask - got in via the steam browser in-game...

Your in-game name (your name at the time of the ban/mute):
Cpt.Hobo! (Also definitlynotthreechickens)
Your GUID (optional):
Date and hour of your ban/mute (UTC/GMT) - (DD/MM/YY):
3 long, and sad, months ago....
Reason for your ban:
Rambo'd TT.
Write your apology:
My bad....

Fine I'll behave!
Do give me a heads up if there's a banhammer over my head though o . O

By bumping the thread your apology is accepted!

Make sure not to make the same mistake again because you are warned now and if it happens again it will be not that easy to get an unban again.
Make sure to read and to follow the rules stated here:

Your unban will take place after next server reset which will happen during the night.

EUC admin team

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