Your in-game name (your name at the time of the ban/mute): [Empire*Elite]MARKWALHBERG
Your GUID (optional):461020
Date and hour of your ban/mute (UTC/GMT) - (DD/MM/YY): 2 weeks ago
Reason for your ban: not clear/disturbance/annoyance 
Write your apology: 
Greetings everyone. 
I'm Mark WALHBERG, a player who has some issues with his temper.
I got recently banned in Minisiege. If I can recall, my behavior is always extreme, which usually gets into the nerves of some of the Admins.
I'm sorry, quite sincerely, for the disturbance I caused. 
I won't get in-depth into the Apology, no need for it. 
But I apologize for the TNT-Spam, all the insults were thrown,  and sorry for my attitude; I'll do it better.

Yours truly,

Hello MarkWalhberg,

You were banned for receiving a large amount of punishments from our team, indicating that you have trolled A LOT on our server.
Here is your the punishment record before being permanently banned:
slays: 12
kicks: 2
temp bans: 6

Since this is you first permanent ban, you won't remain permanently banned from Minisiege forever, but...
considering you've been slayed 12 times with 6 temp bans, you will stay banned from Minisiege for the next 6 months.

To summarise:

Due to the amount of punishments you've received, you will stay banned on Minisiege until a new unban request is made after 20/09/2021

This should give you plenty of time to refresh yourself with our rules: https://nwpublic.eu/thread-48.html

- Loifas

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