Alex02[Rejected] Unban
Your in-game name (your name at the time of the ban/mute): 1stGLI_Rec_Alex02 
Your GUID (optional): what is it?
Date and hour of your ban/mute (UTC/GMT) - (DD/MM/YY): Yesterday night
Reason for your ban: wasting BPS and trolling 
Write your apology: Hello, I was banned for for wasting BPS when I wrote "Alex" with some planks on the floor, I did that because I saw someone who did that too before and so I wanted to do the same for waiting the next map and I wanted to ss this for me, I mean it was nice.  It's true that is unnessary but I don't understand why the first person who did that was not not slayed or at least warning but me yes why ? for me I can feel it like something of unfair.[Image: sad.png] And it was not the first time that I see it sadly...
for trolling, yes sometimes I was trolling, ok it was a mistake because the others can't enjoying the game but it's not like I was acking or smth like that and It's so rarely that I did that. I understand ur politics but It's a GAME[Image: exclamation.png]  I just want that u ask to u before slayed someone if it is really nesessary. Just try to be more flexible. Now I'm stres to wait ur answer and hope it will be positive for me, I hope that I will can still playing with my friends[Image: heart.png]  on this good server[Image: thumbsup.png]

I hope that u have a nice day.
Hello Alex. First off, to answer your question, the reason why you were permabanned is not because of that single offence in of itself, but rather the massive record of punishments that you have amassed during your time on Minisiege so far. These include repeated instances of trolling, teamhitting as well as building sapperworks that are against the rules, adding to a total of 10 slays, 2 kicks and 2 tempbans.

The fact that someone else got away with it before you does not in any way justify you doing the same thing, especially since you clearly know its wrong and against the rules. If you see someone breaking the rules without getting admin attention, the correct way of handling it is to notify the admins of it rather than to copy their behaviour. Saying that your ban was unfair and that others got away before you with it is not an apology and actually suggests you don't realise the problem with your behaviour and will be doing similar things in the future, which is why I will deny your unban request for now. This also takes into consideration the fact that it was only handed out yesterday.

Having seen your behaviour in recent times on the server I had hoped that you learned your lesson from those previous punishments since there had not been an issue with you for a while now. Yesterday clearly showed, however, that you will still break the rules when given the chance and continue to have a problematic attitude towards them.

Since I can tell that you are able to adjust your behaviour from the above stated change that I was able to observe, you can apply for an unban again with a proper apology in one month after the 17th of May. I hope you use this timeout as a chance to fundamentally overthink your attitude towards the server rules and perhaps familiarise yourself with them once more (see: in order to avoid falling afoul of them in the future.

- Karim
Just to add he was warned before being slayed by myself. Yet he still proceeded to waste buildpoints
Didn't bump the thread. Request denied.
[Image: MZDXOYq.png]

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