Blu3VenuS[Closed] [26.06] Unban
Your in-game name (your name at the time of the ban/mute): 128MilyarDolar
Your GUID (optional):
Date and hour of your ban/mute (UTC/GMT) - (DD/MM/YY):a few months ago
Reason for your ban: Punch a teammate
Write your apology:I've been playing on your server for a long time and ı very love.Im very sorry.because I punched my friend ım banned.Im sorry Sad
You had 7 slays and 2 temp bans, which means you broke the server rules at least 9 times.

You will be un-banned in two weeks time, if you bump this thread on the 26th of June.

In the meantime, you may read our server rules located here:
[Image: MZDXOYq.png]

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