Randy Rhoads[Rejected] Unban
Your in-game name (your name at the time of the ban/mute): Tyler_Durden
Your GUID (optional): 1849137
Date and hour of your ban/mute (UTC/GMT) - (DD/MM/YY): well 1 year ago or 6-7 mounth ago
Reason for your ban: writing with caps
Write your apology: 

In your last unban request(https://nwpublic.eu/thread-703.html) Loifas told you that you will be banned until 01/12/2021. We haven't reached that date yet, so your unban request is denied.

ok no problem bro
Google translate is a useful tool Randy.
Since you still haven't learned any manners from your previous unban request, you will then remained permanently banned from Minisiege indefinitely.

You have only yourself to blame.


- Loifas
SickSickSick أنا آسف جدا سامحني SickSickSick

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