LORDIEX[Rejected] Admin Application LORDIEX
Your in-game name (and other pseudos): LORDIEX (MoB_LORDIEX)
GUID: 644535
Steam URL: https://steamcommunity.com/id/madeinlordiex/
Country and region: Germany
Spoken language(s): English, German, Polish...
Current age: 24
Admin experience: Ex Minisiege Admin
Voucher to confirm your admin experience (include Steam URL of the voucher): none
my best friend was a good admin +1
Hello Lordiex.
Due to your previous behaviour as an admin (via public and internal admin chat toxicity), multiple warnings regarding incorrect punishment procedures and unfair punishments, I am declining your Minisiege admin application.

- Loifas
Only "warnings" I had were about Toxicity, nothing about Procedures/unfair punishments (what ever unfair punishments mean) was not mentioned to me once. Can you tell me more?

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