The Craft[Rejected] Unmute request - TheThirdCousinToTheKaiser
Hello TheThirdCousinToTheKaiser,

Yesterday, I spent more than 3 hours of my own time just to go through your hundreds of lines of chat, chosen from random days when you were active on the server, and to create the reply. I saw the context in which you insulted, baited and trolled, and I'm not going to copy-paste here hundreds of lines of text just to make a point towards a troll. You made a purpose in joining Minisiege in trolling the chat, and it shows every single random day I've checked, at least this year. It's an issue you yourself have created and which you could have been easily avoided, yet you didn't / couldn't? stop, even after the mute requested on your name was created. This fact, for me, is a red flag from the start.

I'll just leave here your own testimony, from two different days - you probably bragged about this more than on these two occasions. You're even using the words "bait" and "baiter" you're now trying to "philosophize" about.

22:55:31 - [TheThirdCousinToTheKaiser] i always trigger everyone in here and they bitch out in chat. its hilarious

19:17:57 - [TheThirdCousinToTheKaiser] I am a baiter i can agree to that
19:18:28 - [TheThirdCousinToTheKaiser] No i bait people cause its fun to see you people go unhinged

The permanent mutes and permanent bans are called this way because they can't be removed without a request, an explanation, and an apology from the player. They do not normally expire (the Christmas unban is an exception). In order to be removed (which is usually done just once), the player has to convince the issue will not happen again.

Your request is rejected, and the main reason for that is because you're trying to justify yourself. Which means it will happen again if the mute would be removed, and would signify that we acknowledge you're innocent. Please note that unless you fully realise what you were doing is not ok, and you don't apologise for it, the mute won't be removed.
You may try again in 2 weeks. I recommend using this time to read the server rules located here.
[Image: MZDXOYq.png]

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RE: Unmute request - TheThirdCousinToTheKaiser - by Bethrezen - 03-19-2024, 10:38 AM

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