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Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte I[Approved] Mute Request - TheThirdCousinToTheKaiser
Offenders in-game name: TheThirdCousinToTheKaiser

Your GUID / Name in-game (optional): 1202354

Date and hour of your ban/mute (UTC/GMT) - (DD/MM/YY): 01/11/2024 from 23:00 to 00:00 more or less and today 01/12/2024 in a time-span from 20:00 to 21:25

Their Crime: As you can see I've putted "mute request" and not "ban request", you could think, well you can mute a player, yeah but if someone types with the O letter, you can't mute them and this person does this on purpose. Said person is a very harmful, offensive and unfriendly player. He harasses many players including Billy, Shekss, Marth, PISS_Pot_Pete and myself (even Hohenstein and countless others in the past). The reasons of why he does this are unknown but he can trashtalk to anyone at any time, he never shuts up and he have double standards (he say to be against racism but then say that Marth's country, Hungary is a degenerate backwards country) he say he hate degenerates and then he randomly say that he fucked someone's mom. Whenever he's on he creates drama, he uses lot of heavy insults such as: moron, retard etc) and he simply goes on and on, that's the real issue, that he targets people for any small thing and there's no way to make it end, most of the times ignoring him doesnt help. He's a troll that literally poisons the chat and annoys players, I'm sure many will agree with me on this. There's no real thing that triggers him, he just enjoys to piss off people and ruin their fun, I again repeat that several people can vouch for this request and the fact that we can't mute him in game is very annoying and we have to find a way. He's smart because he doesn't break any rule (such as teamkilling on purpose or opening gates as a defender etc) so he doesn't get banned.

Evidence: Logs will suffice.

My actual problem with the guy isn't what he says per se, but the fact that he ALWAYS picks fights and gets into meaningless arguments with other people just to prove his worth. He does break server rules by being racist and sexist (he was harassing Billy today in the chat on the topic of "sex and gender"). If BOOKWORM got muted for typing too much BS in constant caps lock chat, this guy pretty much qualifies for a ban as well.
[Image: d438bda2ff979da5dec0bcefe56228418dd29864.gif]

As the server forces us to listen to trolls and misbehaving people (O-chat), we have to resort to mute requests on a global scale.

Kaiser is utter nuisance on the server and does not leave people alone.
Exactly. Kaiser is going on and on again and denying everything even if logs will show everything, today from 17:20 to 18:15 PM he's acting in a toxic and annoying way, blaming others for his misconduct. I would ask admins to investigate asap please
I can second everything said on the thread so far but I personally think admins should not be banning people for being twats in the chat - where does that end? I know pretty much no one likes ThirdCousin but muting people for being annoying could lead to lots of muting and a boring chat. Stupid stuff in the chat is always going to annoy someone and it's part of what makes the game fun.

Edit - this is a -1, I get annoyed by kaiser constantly in the chat but he shouldn't be banned. People, including me somtimes, should just ignore it.
To be fair, Kaiser also broke some rules as Marth correctly said, along with having a toxic behaviour h24, logs will confirm. That guy doesn't make the game fun, on the opposite, he poisons the ambience wherever he's on, I can't recall a single time when he wasn't randomly writing in caps insulting or trolling someone and He have an obvious obsession in picking fights all the time, the chat is basically him being toxic and few else.
No one ever before made a mute request lol, what are you even talking about? Kaiser is one of the very few who 100% deserve a mute, he doesn't care to stop nor he became any friendlier with time, he will never stop that behaviour and frankly if admins force us to have him spam his stuff coz he types with O on purpose, not really our fault, is it?

Don't worry anyway, lot of muting will never happen if admins dont even bother looking at this thread in almost a month....
Nah man, no worries you didn't piss me off at all, apologies if I gave you that impression! Thank's for your insight and sharing your thoughts.
He does in fact call people names and blame them for things that he does HIMSELF all the time. I'll end it here since I don't wanna spam in the thread too much. Hopefully admins will soon sort this request out. Cheers pal!
I think that "Kaiser" is very passionate and argumentative by default.
He can be docile at times, I have noticed that he only starts talking when people respond to him, after that there is no going back.
I personally feel that muting him is a step too far as he has not used any extreme language or sponsored any terrorist organizations.
He is a regular player on the server and can be a feature on the chat in his own way.
I hope that you decide not to mute him.
Wishing you all a pleasant evening.

Regards Supereagle1
Totally not the case, now this isn't about being bias, you might be his friend and we might not be, but having any kind of relation with him isn't the point here. What I'm trying to say is that, no matter what you think of him, you simply can't deny what he did and still do. It's evident, as long as someone stays neutral and look at the chat and talk rationally, when Kaiser creates dramas and act in a toxic manner, he isn't answering to people, he have a list of favorites that he like to annoy for example: Me, Marth Billy, Hohenstein at the times, he starts trashtalking about something that regard us on purpose or that he know that we like, trying in everyway to have someone falling for his trap (but it can be on very random topics too, really) I've tried ignoring him. Once i never fell for any provocation for whole evening and he still was arguing and debating in a salty manner with someone, he does that all the time. He's a certified troll since he CLEARLY said that logs don't mean anything, logs can lie, everyone loves him etc.

I don't get offended even when he insulted me, this is not about it, at least for what regards myself, it's about his incessant, provocative, toxic and rude manners that seemingly make him excited and he behaves that way to create some entertainment for himself, still he annoys and even offend other people for minor motives. His behaviour could be tolerated only IF muting him in game would be possible but he uses the O chat so we are forced by the server itself to read his toxic, offensive trolling remarks, so there's no other way. He's unstable mentally, once we were having a chat and we were chilling and then he starts to randomly call me nazi, gay, necrophilic etc. He is a troublemaker and we tried to warn and make him stop but he doesn't care in the slightest, he didn't stop acting in such a way. I don't have anything to add on this, I was pretty clear, if you wanna see things the way they are sure if you want to surgarcoat his behaviour as some totally unoffensive, hilarious banter go on but you're distorting reality.

I'll make a last example. I've once talked about using a Texture pack for NW, yeah he asked which it was what it changed and then Kaiser called me a noob and a cheater coz he convinced himself that it was a mod that made the game easier and I was cheating, when it literally only improved graphics and putted L'Aigle mod skins lol. Just smth to make you realize how he can pick any random topic and transform it into something that he will criticise you for no matter what

Have a good evening.
I'm going to support what Napoleon wrote above with some concrete evidence, too. In my view, Kaiser broke the two following rules, as stated in the Server Rules thread (, the rules being:

- Racism & Extremism, or discrimination of any kind.

- Harassing other players or regiments.

Both of these are VALID reasons to have someone banned or at the very least muted.

I mentioned in my first post that Kaiser's so-called "trolling" really often turns into harassment. Yesterday he was harassing players of Swedish origin while claiming that Danes are better (Arcadius and another player whose name escapes me). Another example, of which I have a screenshot of, is proof of his sexism, which is also considered discriminative in my opinion. He's a blatant homophobe as Sista_Rexy will confirm, uttering words such as these shown in the screenshot below:

My final point is this: If the senior admins have permanently muted (and then banned) a player known as "BOOKWORM9" for the reason of "spamming random stuff in caps lock in the chat", basically, then I believe that a player who has been PROVEN TO BE offensive, racist, extremist, sexist and discriminative towards multiple people and people groups on the server should suffer the same fate.
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