Mikhail[Approved] Unban
Your in-game name (your name at the time of the ban/mute): mIKHAILUSA*
Your GUID (optional): -
Date and hour of your ban/mute (UTC/GMT) - (DD/MM/YY): 4:03pm 06/02/2024
Reason for your ban: Team kicking a teammate.
Write your apology: I did on the post below where we talked about it after the resolution of Napoleon. 
But I say sorry again for kicking the teammate called Bald Rifle Agent.

https://nwpublic.eu/showthread.php?tid=1347 this is the post where we talked about it.
+1 on this - please see my post on the ban request thread. Weakest basis for a perma ban I've ever seen.
+1 mikhail is a good guy and should not be permed - but please respect also respect that some of us play to focus and not be trolled on this server when asking or accused of cheating etc. Some of us come in to focus and let off steam and will go to TP to troll and have fun. Different servers, different moods.

I’m sure mikhail will respect that in the future.
I'm happy for a swift unban here. All I want is for the kicks to end and I think the man has finally got that message. I'm convinced he won't be doing it again. I've played with him for years without issue, I'm sure we can go back to how things were...
Somewhat Bald Rifle Sergeant
I've known him for years; I believe his intention was not bad. +1 Miko
+1 . Mikhail is a noted troll don't get me wrong, but it's all within reason and fun. The guy's never been malicious ever and he's a fun player to play with/against.

Mikhail should not be perma banned for this. 

In my opinion,punishment can seem to be handed out inconsistently within the servers own ruleset. It can give an unclear perception to what the actual boundaries are of whats tolerated, depending drastically on what admin is actually watching. It appears random and depends on circumstance. A good example of this inconsistency would be the treatmeant of the n word spam, or any other personal remarks players often give each other which often flies under the radar.

I believe what he was doing carried no ill will, and that neither he was consistent enough with doing it to deserve such punishment. Ofcourse the rules still stand, and Mikhail should not have done what he did. But I believe, he will be a better man next time. He deserves a second chance for sure.

You will be given another chance. Please make sure you read and follow the server rules at https://nwpublic.eu/thread-48.html to avoid any further punishments in the future. You are now unbanned.
[Image: MZDXOYq.png]

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