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juan3927[Rejected] [12.08] Unban
Your in-game name (your name at the time of the ban/mute):carcas  
Your GUID (optional): i don't have any guild
Date and hour of your ban/mute (UTC/GMT) - (DD/MM/YY): About a month ago
Reason for your ban: I didn't behave properly in the game
Write your apology:I'm really sorry for hurting other people. However, I was not familiar with English because I am not an English-speaking person but a Korean, and I was not aware of the rules because it was my first time to play a steam game. I will abide by the rules so that this will never happen again, so please show me mercy once.
Hello dude! First of all your "GUID" isn't a guild but your own ID on mount and blade warband (don't remember what it means but each account have its own GUID which don't change from one server to an other). Yours seems to be : 2109626 (you can see it by joining servers like minisiege or there :
Anyway, if you told them the truth about your first steam game I wish you good luck for your unban request!
Btw, is it true that all of your comrades are gods on mmropg or games that require a good micro?
Hello carcas,

You have been slayed 11 times, kicked 4 times and temporarily banned once. That's 15 warnings for you, before you got permanently banned, and you say you still didn't understand why we punished you each time, since you don't know English well.
Does trolling mean something different in your country?

Anyway, this chat proves you knew what you were doing was wrong:

Quote:17:44:59 - [501st_Cdt_Sup12345] ADMIN
17:45:10 - [carcas] do not call admin
17:45:12 - [carcas] shut up
17:45:30 - [501st_Cdt_Sup12345] KICK CACASA
17:45:31 - [carcas] just call your mama
17:45:42 - [501st_Cdt_Sup12345] KICK HIM
17:45:46 - [carcas] shut up
17:45:59 - [501st_Cdt_Sup12345] PLEASE

Try to adjust your apology accordingly, if you want to have any chance of getting unbanned. Convince us why we should believe you that you'll stop breaking the rules. Lying won't get you anywhere.
[Image: MZDXOYq.png]
It's all my fault. I'm not going to make excuses for inappropriate behavior and damaging our colleagues. But I'm also really sorry that I was trolled by other members before this happened, and I've been under constant stress about it, and I've vented my stress on other good colleagues. Although my previous behavior was really inappropriate, I realized a lot with this ban. I will never do this inappropriate behavior again, and I will abide by the rules and behave politely. I sincerely apologize to other users and managers for my previous inappropriate behavior, and I will not repeat my previous inappropriate behavior if I get another chance because of your mercy. Please take good care of me.
You'll be given a second chance but it will be the last.

Please bump this thread in two weeks time, on the 12th of August, to be unbanned.

Use this time to read the server rules located here:
[Image: MZDXOYq.png]
Administer im Sincerely Appreciate your mercy.
Didn't bump the thread as required, so the request is denied.

Thread closed.
[Image: MZDXOYq.png]

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