[92nd]Charles_Campbell[VIZ][Approved] Unban
Your in-game name (your name at the time of the ban/mute): Sagopa
Your GUID (optional): 1984688
Date and hour of your ban/mute (UTC/GMT) - (DD/MM/YY): 1 year ago
Reason for your ban: First of all, I am doing this ban removal application on behalf of my friend. When he kicked his teammate, he was banned by the admin and he was not warned in any way.
Write your apology:"First of all, I want to express that I miss the server and then I apologize to you, I will not behave like this again."
[Image: o1Pfvy.jpeg]
Hello Charles_Campbell,

your information doesn't match with our records. The person with the GUID 1984688 was named RamazanTopcusu when banned and was banned 4 months ago and not 1 year ago. Also he was banned not just for teamhitting but also for arty trolling and before he was banned, he already got slain, so he was warned before.
Please confirm whether your friend is this person (You can check the GUID for example on EU Commander) and if so please adjust the apology to reflect the mentioned things.
He's my friend and I passed on what I was told
[Image: o1Pfvy.jpeg]
[Image: o1Pfvy.jpeg]
I asked questions in my last post. Answer them and we can proceed.
Your in-game name (your name at the time of the ban/mute): Sagopa
Your GUID (optional): 1984688
Date and hour of your ban/mute (UTC/GMT) - (DD/MM/YY): 4 months ago
Reason for your ban: First of all, I am doing this ban removal application on behalf of my friend. When he kicked his teammate, he was banned by the admin and he was not warned in any way.

Write your apology:There was a Ramadan feast 4 months ago and I was warning people for jokes during iftar hours, but when I was removed from the server, I realized that what I did was absurd. Please forgive me.

He always change his name in the game
[Image: o1Pfvy.jpeg]
Okay, so we came to the conclusion that we speak about the right person.

You still write in your post that your friend wasn't warned. Our logs show this:

16:02:08 - RamazanTopcusu has joined the game with ID: 1984688
16:04:04 - [SERVER]: Loifas Slayed Player RamazanTopcusu.
16:04:12 - *Admin*[Loifas]: Don't kick arty
16:05:10 - [SERVER]: Loifas Permanently Banned Player RamazanTopcusu.

This shows that your friend was warned before being banned. Please include this in their apology. 
Their new apology suggest that we banned him for chat related issues, but it was because of him arty trolling.
Please adjust the apology to the points written above.
Your in-game name (your name at the time of the ban/mute): Sagopa
Your GUID (optional): 1984688
Date and hour of your ban/mute (UTC/GMT) - (DD/MM/YY): 4 months ago
Reason for your ban: First of all, I am doing this ban removal application on behalf of my friend. When he kicked his teammate, he warned before the kick but he was keep going to to this thinks and then he get perma

Write your apology:There was a Ramadan feast 4 months ago and I was warning people for jokes during iftar hours,then loifas warned me because of my trol thinks but i did not listen him and he slayed me first after he perma me but when I was removed from the server, I realized that what I did was absurd. Please forgive me.

I apologize for my mistakes because I haven't written a text like this before
[Image: o1Pfvy.jpeg]
Your friend was unbanned. Please tell them to read the server rules located here : https://nwpublic.eu/thread-48.html so that they don't get banned again, as get unbanned will be very difficult on the second occurence.

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